I'm midway through week #2 of the Beck book and it's all about time management. I never realized just how many of the things I do schedule are related to other peoples needs. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I'm on the obsessive side when it comes to scheduling everything. Ask my close friends how many times I've had to cancel the things I've scheduled for me so that I can fit in something else for someone else. That's no good.
Losing weight and making positive, healthy changes in your life isn't easy and it requires dedication and the ability to put yourself first. That's really difficult for some people, including me. I'm getting better at this, but I'm still always worried about my actions and how they will be viewed by others. This spills into all aspects of my life, both personal and professional. I would gladly put my work aside to assist someone else who is struggling. Of course that's a good thing, but not when it gets me all backed up and limits my personal time at home.
So how does this relate to my weight struggle? I'm still exploring that one, but the most direct relation is scheduling time to eat healthy and exercise. That was always last on my list of priorities. Food is so readily available in convenient, sodium filled packages, who needs to schedule time, just grab it and go. WRONG WRONG WRONG. My insides are probably one giant salt lick at this point.
Schedule exercise was not a priority for me at all. I had every excuse from "I have asthma and it hurts to exercise" even "I'm just big boned, exercise isn't going to help with that". It was bad. I hated being active and I understand now it had nothing to do with the activities themselves, but the way being so tired made me feel about myself. NEWSFLASH.....rinse & repeat might work for your shampoo, but it doesn't work for sitting on the couch watching tv or in front of the computer.
The irony of time management is that it takes time. Go figure. It's time well spent though and definitely worth shifting some things to get it done. The big bonus is all those check marks at the end of the day showing what you have accomplished. Be creative. Do whatever you need to do so that planning your day is fun and rewarding. I have a difficult time spending money on things for myself that I feel are "extras". I keep a to do list each day and every Friday I count up how many things I completed and give myself $1 for each completed task. I bank those dollars until I need them for the extras. Hey, it works for me and eases some of the guilt.
Do what works for you, but do it. Don't neglect yourself and don't give up the very important time you need for you. It doesn't make you selfish, it makes you smart. What good are you to yourself or anyone else if you #1: can't move fast enough to help anyone, #2: are too tired to move at all and #3: don't like yourself enough to want to help anyone.
As always, be happy and be healthy. Enjoy these time management links:
2021 Review Thingo
2 years ago