About Me

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Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I'm an insurance professional with a desk job that has not helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm on a mission to put myself first and be the person I want to be.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Ok, this is not another blog about me falling off the food wagon and climbing back on.  This time I've fallen off the fitness wagon.  All of this freakin snow is making it darn near impossible to get motivated.  The lot at the gym is so packed with snow there are fewer parking spaces than usual.  I fear all the progress I've made with my 5k training has been wasted.  I decided to catch up on some healthy reading today and as luck would have it, I came upon an article about getting back into a fitness routine.  The article is from Prevention, so check it out in your spare time. 

There are 3 workout plans to choose from
1.  Getting Started
2. Back Up To Speed
3. Kicking It Up A Notch

I think I will start with Back Up to Speed.  Each plan is split into 4 weeks.  Every Monday I will give you the plan for the week.  So here we go:

Mon/Wed/Thu/Sat:  30 minutes of Cardio
Tue & Fri:  Feel Good Firming Routine which consists of the following:
  Do 10-15 reps of each of the following (use dumbbells if you are so inclined):
      - Bent Rows
      - Rocker Squat
      - Recline Press
      - Raised Plank (hold for 15 seconds)

You will be pleased to know that I got in 30 minutes of cardio today along with 15 additional minutes of some simple yoga stretches for a total burn of 250 calories.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's been a while since I burned anything other than dinner.

So tomorrow is the dreaded Fat Tuesday.  I don't know what it means in your house, but in my house it means Fastnachts.  A PA Dutch tradition of eating raised potato doughnuts with syrup.  YUMMMMMMMMM
My mom and I were out in Lancaster this past weekend visiting family and just so happened to pick up a dozen (or two).  I usually have to make them, but this year I have the real thing.  Now I know it doesn't sound very healthy or fit to be talking about PA Dutch doughnuts, but it's tradition and that is not something I'm willing to mess with.  I'll have my one fastnacht this year and I'll savor it more than I ever have...and then I'll move on.

Whatever your Fat Tuesday tradition may be, enjoy it.  It's the simple things that keep us from going completely insane on our weight loss journey.

Be happy!

1 comment:

  1. I am so inspired by your ability to make a decision and then let it be. I need to do more of that sound decision making and I especially need to stop my mind from returning to mull it over over and over again. Yummy! Enjoy your treat.
