About Me

My photo
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I'm an insurance professional with a desk job that has not helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm on a mission to put myself first and be the person I want to be.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday's Goal Challenge

Another new post on Wordpress.  Check it out and join in to win


Sunday, March 28, 2010

New post on new site


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This blog is moving....

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm moving my blog to wordpress, so please follow me there.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baltimore or Bust!

So tomorrow I leave for Fitbloggin ' 10 and Saturday I participate in my first 5k.  Am I ready?  I guess I'll find out on Saturday.  I'm excited, that much I know.  The schedule is packed with so many good seminars and events.  Stay tuned for pictures and stories galore. 

Friday, March 5, 2010

TGIF and many thanks!

I know, pretty lame title for a blog entry, but I wanted to thank everyone that responded to my cry for help yesterday and couldn't come up with anything more creative.  The pitty party is officially over.  I'm fully organized for my sister's bridal shower on Sunday, I have all my laundry done, the cake for the shower is beautiful (Thanks Julie I knew it would be) and I just finished a healthy breakfast of organic yogurt topped with organic pumpkin flax granola.

As you know I haven't been able to run this week but the pain in my shins is disappearing, so hopefully I'll be back to training on Monday.  My ex-husband was a long distance runner and I thought he was CRAZY for running so religiously, but I see now that once you get it in your blood it's horrible to give it up.  Sorry for calling you crazy Joe. : )

I hope everyone has a really great weekend.  I'm heading to eastern PA later today for the big shower weekend.  I'll update everyone and maybe have some pics next week.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


This has been, by far, my worst week in a very long time. We are getting very close to the one year mark of my dad’s untimely passing. I keep telling myself not to dwell on that, but to focus on how losing him pushed me to be a healthier person. I’ve lost 34 pounds which doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s half of what I need to lose. I promised myself I would do this slowly so that I could learn all the correct ways to be healthy enabling me to keep off the weight. My lowest weight was 191 this past year and I’m happy to say I am at 193 today. I had gained a bit of it back over the holidays which I think is normal.

So why has this week been so difficult? I’m depressed. That’s just the plain, simple truth. These are the things I’ve identified as my stressors:

1. My sister is getting married in April, so I’ve been working with the rest of the girls to get the shower planned which has been very overwhelming when added to the rest of my already busy schedule. Don’t get me wrong. I’m very happy for her and I feel really guilty even admitting that it’s a little overwhelming.

2. I have developed very painful shin splints, so I’m not able to run this week and I feel like I’m losing valuable training time.

3. I had a business dinner in which I stayed out too late and enjoyed too much wine. I don’t know about you, but hangovers do not make you the best judge of what you should and should not be eating. So I am WAY over my calorie budget this week.

4. Work. I should probably put this first, but I’ve learned to deal with the stress at work, so I feel like this has only added to my depression this week because of the above 3 things making me crazy.

Quite frankly, I’m tired of starting over on my journey. I know that I’m being very dramatic and having a bit of a temper tantrum. I just don’t feel focused at all and I hate this feeling. I need to get some control back. I’m much, much stronger than this.

I’m taking a trip with my good friend Vicki in 2 weeks which I know will do me a world of good. I just keep counting down the days.

I think I’m going to start going back to my therapist, but I want to have a better understanding of what I want to achieve before I just go in and start rambling.

I’m curious…how do you get your clarity and focus back? What techniques and tricks do you all have up your sleeve?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time Management

I'm midway through week #2 of the Beck book and it's all about time management.  I never realized just how many of the things I do schedule are related to other peoples needs.  Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I'm on the obsessive side when it comes to scheduling everything.  Ask my close friends how many times I've had to cancel the things I've scheduled for me so that I can fit in something else for someone else.  That's no good.

Losing weight and making positive, healthy changes in your life isn't easy and it requires dedication and the ability to put yourself first.  That's really difficult for some people, including me.  I'm getting better at this, but I'm still always worried about my actions and how they will be viewed by others.  This spills into all aspects of my life, both personal and professional.  I would gladly put my work aside to assist someone else who is struggling. Of course that's a good thing, but not when it gets me all backed up and limits my personal time at home. 

So how does this relate to my weight struggle?  I'm still exploring that one, but the most direct relation is scheduling time to eat healthy and exercise.  That was always last on my list of priorities.  Food is so readily available in convenient, sodium filled packages, who needs to schedule time, just grab it and go.  WRONG WRONG WRONG.  My insides are probably one giant salt lick at this point.

Schedule exercise was not a priority for me at all.  I had every excuse from "I have asthma and it hurts to exercise" even "I'm just big boned, exercise isn't going to help with that".  It was bad.  I hated being active and I understand now it had nothing to do with the activities themselves, but the way being so tired made me feel about myself.  NEWSFLASH.....rinse & repeat might work for your shampoo, but it doesn't work for sitting on the couch watching tv or in front of the computer. 

The irony of time management is that it takes time.  Go figure.  It's time well spent though and definitely worth shifting some things to get it done.  The big bonus is all those check marks at the end of the day showing what you have accomplished.  Be creative.  Do whatever you need to do so that planning your day is fun and rewarding.  I have a difficult time spending money on things for myself that I feel are "extras".  I keep a to do list each day and every Friday I count up how many things I completed and give myself $1 for each completed task.  I bank those dollars until I need them for the extras.  Hey, it works for me and eases some of the guilt.

Do what works for you, but do it.  Don't neglect yourself and don't give up the very important time you need for you.  It doesn't make you selfish, it makes you smart.  What good are you to yourself or anyone else if you #1: can't move fast enough to help anyone, #2: are too tired to move at all and #3: don't like yourself enough to want to help anyone.

As always, be happy and be healthy.  Enjoy these time management links:




Monday, February 22, 2010

Sweet Success

Yes, you read that right, I used sweet and success in the same title.  I completed my first week of renewed focus and lost 4 whole pounds this week.  Keep in mind that equates to a loss of 2 pounds in 2 weeks since I saw a gain the week before.  I realize 4 lbs in one week is unrealistic and unhealthy for me, so I plan on getting to a 2 lb loss each week.

I've just started week 2 of the Beck Diet Solution workbook as well as my new exercise routine.  Week 1 of the workbook focused on mind over matter and reinforcing your belief in yourself.  Week 2 is all about getting ready for the lifestyle changes and time management.  Most of these topics I have already mastered, but the book says not to skip anything and it never hurts to reinforce the good behaviors you have already established.

Here is my workout schedule for the week:

Mon/Wed & Sat:  Gym/Treadmill - run at least 2 miles without stopping
Tues/Thurs:  Wii FitPlus Routine & strength routine from Prevention

Something I did learn from week 1 of the Beck book was to write down your accomplishments as often as you can.  It's good to have a list of positives to look at.  Too often we just write down when we mess up, but where is the fun in that.  I completely understand how focusing on the positive is more motivating than the negative.

Here are some of my accomplishments from the past week:
1.  Registered for a 5k at FitBloggin
2.  Ran on the treadmill 2 times last week
3.  Completed my WiiFit routine & strength exercises twice
4.  Logged my food 5 out of 7 days
5.  Lost 4 pounds
6.  Wore a necklace for the first time in 3 years because it finally fit around my neck

I have 25 days until I run my first race, so I need to stay focused on the end goal here.  I have a very busy month ahead, but will not give up my time to get fit anymore!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

FitBloggin '10 The Countdown Begins

29 days until I leave for Baltimore. I’m excited on many levels. I get to meet some really great bloggers, I get to learn from some really great bloggers, I get to run my first 5k with a really great friend and I get to celebrate her 40th birthday! (well it’s a week before her birthday, but we still get to celebrate)

What is FitBloggin you ask? It’s a forum for those that blog about fitness, wellness, good food and a healthy lifestyle. A place to connect, learn, grow and network.


It’s going to be a jam packed weekend of networking, exercising and learning. It’s also a great weekend to use as some goal setting targets. The biggest goal is to run my first 5k without walking. That’s a huge goal for me.

The 2nd goal is to be 20 pounds from my goal weight which means I need to lose 9 lbs in the next 29 days. I know 9 pounds doesn’t seem like much in a month, but in that month I have a bridal shower to plan and attend away from my home, so it’s another weekend of eating out again with limited exercising opportunities.

The most exciting thing is happening to me. My scale is showing a loss each time I step on it. I’ve stuck to my eating plan this week and I’ve burned at least 900 more calories than eaten every day. It’s so rewarding to see that success once again. It’s quite a motivator to say the least.

Live healthy and be happy!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Ok, this is not another blog about me falling off the food wagon and climbing back on.  This time I've fallen off the fitness wagon.  All of this freakin snow is making it darn near impossible to get motivated.  The lot at the gym is so packed with snow there are fewer parking spaces than usual.  I fear all the progress I've made with my 5k training has been wasted.  I decided to catch up on some healthy reading today and as luck would have it, I came upon an article about getting back into a fitness routine.  The article is from Prevention, so check it out in your spare time. 

There are 3 workout plans to choose from
1.  Getting Started
2. Back Up To Speed
3. Kicking It Up A Notch

I think I will start with Back Up to Speed.  Each plan is split into 4 weeks.  Every Monday I will give you the plan for the week.  So here we go:

Mon/Wed/Thu/Sat:  30 minutes of Cardio
Tue & Fri:  Feel Good Firming Routine which consists of the following:
  Do 10-15 reps of each of the following (use dumbbells if you are so inclined):
      - Bent Rows
      - Rocker Squat
      - Recline Press
      - Raised Plank (hold for 15 seconds)

You will be pleased to know that I got in 30 minutes of cardio today along with 15 additional minutes of some simple yoga stretches for a total burn of 250 calories.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's been a while since I burned anything other than dinner.

So tomorrow is the dreaded Fat Tuesday.  I don't know what it means in your house, but in my house it means Fastnachts.  A PA Dutch tradition of eating raised potato doughnuts with syrup.  YUMMMMMMMMM
My mom and I were out in Lancaster this past weekend visiting family and just so happened to pick up a dozen (or two).  I usually have to make them, but this year I have the real thing.  Now I know it doesn't sound very healthy or fit to be talking about PA Dutch doughnuts, but it's tradition and that is not something I'm willing to mess with.  I'll have my one fastnacht this year and I'll savor it more than I ever have...and then I'll move on.

Whatever your Fat Tuesday tradition may be, enjoy it.  It's the simple things that keep us from going completely insane on our weight loss journey.

Be happy!

Friday, February 5, 2010

That stupid groundhog!

Who wants 6 more weeks of winter?  Not me.  For those of you that are going to be stuck inside this weekend, like myself, what are you going to do to keep moving?  I welcome your thoughts.  Hopefully our snow worries are being over dramatized and I'll be able to get that much needed haircut and pop over to the gym after.  Just in case though, here are some suggestions for staying active this weekend:

  1. Dust off those exercise dvds.  You know you have them.  I have 6 or 7 Leslie Sansone walking dvds that really get the blood pumping and burn a ton of calories.  (try and do them on the first floor because it can get pretty annoying if you are jumping around upstairs when people are trying to relax below you)
  2. Exercise TV - I love it.  There are hundreds of workouts for every fitness level and best of all they are free.  Well, not free since we pay for cable, but no additional monthly charge.
  3. Shovel snow.  I hate it too, but it keeps you moving and NO SNOW BLOWERS.
  4. Check out CardioCoach.com  "Cardio Coach™ is a downloadable audio workout program for your iPod / MP3 player and is designed for any type of cardio machine (bikes, treadmill, cross trainer, elliptical, stair stepper, rower etc.) & features a patented levels & zone system for any fitness level, from beginner to advanced."
  5. Walk the steps if you have them. We have two sets of steps in our house and no matter how much my hubby laughs at me, if I can't get out of the house I walk up and down the steps until it hurts.
  6. Clean your house, do laundry, walk the dogs, you get the idea.
  7. Grab a can of something (or two) and use them as weights while you are sitting in front of the tv.  (not that you will be doing such a lazy thing, but just in case)
  8. Jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups - you know your basic exercises, no equipment needed
  9. YOGA or stretching
  10. If you have equipment in your house...USE IT.  Get the clothes off of it and use it for something other than a spare closet.  (you know who you are) Combine with #4 above if you can.
Make sure you don't mindlessly snack all weekend.  I know we have a huge snack menu planned for the Super Bowl, but I'm trying to substitute healthy alternatives for some of the items. 

Be safe and have fun, but get moving!

Monday, February 1, 2010


I know it seems a bit odd to be greatful for a Monday, but I am so glad to put last week behind me.  I would say it was the worst week yet of my weight loss/health journey.  I had to travel to AL on Thursday and Friday last week and  I really dislike flying.  I'm not afraid to fly, I just don't care for the air sickness or the waiting around at the airport.  I don't stress out about travel eating anymore.  I make good choices on a regular basis and I don't give in to the fast food temptations anymore.  I guess what I'm saying is I don't view travel as an excuse to eat whatever I want.

However, I felt so bluck (yes...it's my word) after getting off the plane on Friday that I went home and crashed.  Saturday was a marathon shopping day and then just when I thought we were heading home and I could hit the gym my brother called and we ended up having dinner with him. No gym on Saturday.  : (

Sunday I was still feeling drained from the travel and I just laid around and read or watched TV.  I know...how lazy could I be.  So in short I only got to the gym one day last week.  The scale did not lie this morning.  I gained 0.2 lbs since last week.  UGH !  I suppose this could have been worse given that I was super stressed, traveling and tired most of the week.

Our weight loss coach told us to make a goal for ourselves for the next 4 weeks.  My goal is to lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks.  I will reach that goal and it is extra motivation to get to the gym.  NO EXCUSES!

Live Healthy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The heck with baby steps!

I headed to the gym last night after work bound and determine to run just a little bit longer than my last attempt.  Would you believe I made if 2.5 miles without stopping!!!!!!  That is double what I ran the last time.  I know, yesterday I was all baby steps and I still believe that when it comes to making lifestyle changes, but if you are in the mood to push yourself and not at risk for injury, then I say go for it.  I felt so proud of myself last night and for once didn't care that my t-shirt was soaked and that my hair was all wet and drooping in my face.  I just felt so good when my lovely little Nike+ ipod sensor told me that I was at 4k and I was still running.

I want to thank Holly and her recent blog entry about running her first 10k.  It was just the motivation I needed to push myself last night!

Weigh In was this morning and I had lost 1.8 lbs since the last weigh in.  It feels so great to see the rewards of my hard work and dedication to ME!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Small Changes

Thought for the day:  Through trials and tribulations beauty is revealed.  Strength is in each of us and is nurtured by faith, perserverance and thankfulness that lead toward a purpose and a desire to move forward.

Monday Weigh In:  194.5  Progress chart:

2 weeks (-3.5lbs)

So who knew that old fable about the tortoise and the hare would find its way into so many aspects of my life.  New studies show that taking baby steps is the best way to get lasting results.  Focus on a few small changes and you will be surprised how they become healthy habits that last a lifetime.  I'm going to spend the next few entries telling you about the ones that have worked for me so far.

Numero Uno:
I could not believe how many calories I was consuming in a day.  Keeping a log helped me in so many ways.  I start my day by writing out my meals and calculating calories.  During the day I can check off items as I consume them so it helps me stick to the plan.  I'm careful to add anything additional I eat and note why I had to snack.  I also note how full or hungry I am after I eat a meal.   It's all about accountability.

Monday morning when I step on that scale I should have a good idea ahead of time how much progress I have made.  If I've gained or only lost a little then I look back at the week and try to figure out what happened with my eating.

The best advice I can give you about journaling is not to lie.  The scale will tell the truth, so you might as well write everything down so you can monitor your overeating triggers.  If you don't keep an accurate record you won't be able to learn from your mistakes and isn't life all about learning?

So go out and get yourself a journal! 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Look for The Helpers

This morning I received my monthly Fred Rogers quote.  I know you all remember and love Mr. Rogers, right!?  Here it is:

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of "disaster," I remember my mother's words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers -- so many caring people in this world." - Fred Rogers

This reminded me to look for the positive and good in things and people.  So often I get bogged down with all the negative aspects of what is going on in my life.  I'm sure this leads to a lot of the anxiety I have been feeling.  Don't misunderstand me, I'm in no way a person that says "well you could have done this better", nor am I an overly critical person.  Sometimes I just get overwhelmed and forget to see the upside of things.  We all do it.

When I lost my dad last year so many people showed us how much they cared and I will never be able to express how much this helped my family.  I want to make sure that the people I care about know that I am a helper to them no matter what the situation.

So today I ask that you stop and find the good in whatever happens today.  Try to take away one positive to help offset something negative.  Just because our lives can be crazy doesn't mean that we have to be!

Be happy and healthy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I don't have much to write today expect for that I'm stressed to the max.  I need your help in the form of tips to ease my anxiety (other than exercise) while I'm at work.  I exercise, so I've got that covered, but during the day I have this little panic attacks that creep up on me.  Would love to know what you do to stop the madness!

Oh, almost forgot.  Down another pound this week and tonight I ran a little longer on the treadmill. 

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Motivation can be found just about anywhere

Today I am recovering for a day of wedding dress shopping.  My little sis is getting married in August and has asked me to be in the wedding.  Good grief!  I haven't had a dress on in the past 5 years.  I think the panic caused a little stress eating this week.  Yesterday was the big shopping day and I have to say it was not nearly as horrible as I thought.  My sister tried on about 6 gowns and looked beautiful.  She found her gown and I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle.

She picked out 4 for me to try on and I didn't look all that bad.  Of course they never have the dresses you want in your actual size, they are either too big or too small, but the dresses were very flattering and I think I might actually fit into a 14 by the time she gets married.  We all know that these dress sizes run big, so that's like a 12 in real sizes.  We narrowed the styles down to 2 and now we need to see what the other ladies think before we order.

I've always had nice legs, so if she picks the cocktail length I'm okay with that.  I also like the little sleeves on that one, but if we go with the longer gown with the halter top....I need to do some major focusing on my upper body, arms especially.  I will not expose my bat wings to the world. 

Yesterday was my mom's birthday so we had a big family dinner with cake.  Today....I've had my Special K, skim milk and fruit for breakfast.  My sis is going home today so my eating will be back to normal.  I'm just going to keep picturing myself all slim and healthy in that dress!

I hope everyone is enjoying this long weekend.  I'm off to the gym today to keep working toward that 5k.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stressed is just Desserts spelled backwards!

I realize it's been a few days since my last post.  I promised myself I would be more consistant in this blog, but work has got me running in a million directions.  I can't even come up with a creative title for this entry.  We weighed in yesterday and I was down 1 pound.  I know that doesn't seem like much after watching The Biggest Loser, but I've always believed that one pound at a time will allow me to keep it off once I reach my goal.  I'm making small changes in my eating habits that I know will stick with me.  I'm actually starting to enjoy it too.  I still crave a nice big donut now and then, but I don't give in nearly as often.

So let's talk about stress.  I will be the first to admit that I put way too much pressure on myself to be 1) perfect; 2) perfect and 3) everything to everyone at all times. I always say yes and I hate to disappoint anyone.  Hmmmm I wonder why I became so overweight!

I should have gone to the gym again last night to work it out, but it was my night to cook dinner and I didn't want to face more negativity for shirking my dinner duty.  I made a healthy dinner and then just spent some quality time alone for 2 hours.  It did the trick and I slept well.

Today...back to work and back to the chaos.  I am hitting the gym tonight and someone else can cook dinner.  I realized in my two heavenly hours alone last night that everyone else isn't the problem, but I am the problem.  I need to learn how to say no and not to overcrowd my plate, both physically and mentally.  I see a direct connection between loading up my responsibilities at work and then loading up with food at home.  I need to find a balance.

I am taking a vacation day on Friday and I have to force myself to turn off the Blackberry and not check my voice mail.  Sometimes you need that clean break to recharge your batteries.

Tip of the week:  Check out http://www.fitday.com/
I love this site the most of all the online tracking sites.  It's simple to use and gives you so much information.  I even cancelled my Jillian Michaels.com subscription and I love JM!

Be healthy and happy!

Friday, January 8, 2010

TGIF - Yeah right!

I don't know about anyone else out there, but I dread the lack of structure that the weekends bring.  I know that Monday through Friday I have everything planned.  I pack my breakfast & lunch and I plan my dinners.  I come home and exercise.  The weekends present a big challenge for me.  There are always places to go, shopping to get done and too many family pressures.  I know the advice will be to carry a snack with me and make sure I have water with me at all times.  That works, but only to a point.  What do I do when it is lunch time and my mom insists that we stop and eat something and picks the least healthy place?  How do I control myself and my love of food?  I seriously start panicking about this time every Friday. 

Our new Biggest Loser challenge at work requires Monday morning weigh-ins, so I'm hoping that this excuse will hold the family at bay and stop their constant pressure to "live a little".  Everyone wanted to weigh-in on Friday, but I think Monday is just the motivation we need to stay on track over the weekend.  Don't you?

The weather has been horrible here in Pittsburgh and last night I was not able to drive to the gym.  I did not let that stop me though.  I broke out the new Jillian Michael's 2010 Fitness Ultimatum for the Wii and got to work.  There is a lot of going from the floor to standing which is a little annoying, but I burned about 250 calories in 20 minutes.  I then moved to the bike and burned another 140.  I didn't reach my 500 goal, but 400 isn't too bad.  I'm hoping I can get to the gym tonight because I need to move forward with my 5k training.

I am way behind on my reading, so this weekend I'm going to watch football and read all while sitting in front of a nice cozy fire.  Relax.....I'm also going to the gym! 

Be health and safe this weekend.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Exercising Blind

It's been a very busy week for me and it's only Wednesday.  The weather here in Pittsburgh is miserably cold and snowy.  Monday it was in the single digits.  Thankfully I had a vacation day planned so I didn't have to get up early and go out in the cold.  I took my car in for service on Monday and came home with a new Santa Fe which I just love.  What a great way to start the week.  After spending 6 hours at the dealership I decided to get out my car buying frustration at the gym.  I set my Nike+ to 5k workout and hit the treadmill.  Obviously I did not run or jog the entire distance, but I completed the course alternating between 2 minutes of jogging and 1 minute of walking.  It took me 40 minutes, but I really enjoyed it....even though I did have to jump off the treadmill halfway because I knocked over my water bottle.  Oops.

While I was jog/walking Monday I realized how nice it was to not have my glasses on or my contacts in.  It forced me to focus on my music and to pay attention to what I was doing rather than what everyone around me was doing.  It helped me get into that zone where you are a lone person on the highway of life.  I left the gym soaking wet with sweat, but feeling good that I completed the distance.  It helped that at the end of my workout a recorded Lance Armstrong was congratulating me on my longest workout yet.  LOL

I was still floating on my accomplishment the next morning when a co-worker stopped over to ask me if I worked out and at what gym.  When I told him he said "I thought that was you last night.  You looked like you had just run a marathon!"  Bubble bursted on the spot!  I've always had this fear of being at the gym and looking like I just got out of a pool with my clothes on and now that fear is realized.  Six months ago I would have scoped out the gym parking lot for his car before entering again, but not now, not this Carrie.  I've got goals to achieve and I don't give a rip who sees me during or after a good workout.  Exercise isn't supposed to be pretty.  I'm still not sure if I will exercise blind again.  I think if people can see me, then I better see them.

Oh, I weighed in on Tuesday for the work challenge and I actually lost some weight last week.  It was just so nice to start this challenge under 200 lbs!  Did anyone watch The Biggest Loser last night.  I was shocked that they made each team ride 26.2 miles right off the bat.  I'm also glad they are giving the 2 eliminated teams the opportunity to come back in 30 days if they have the highest % of weight loss.  Imagine if they can achieve results at home what it will be like when they get to be on the ranch.

130 days until I run my first 5K race!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Slow & Steady...right

I just completed the first week of my 5k training.  Oh wait, let me back track. I joined a new gym on Thursday.  I love it.  It's close to home and pretty small.  It's geared more toward weight lifting, but they  have full cardio room and offer various classes.  I let my husband do the leg work on the last gym and I was not very pleased when I learned it was more for group sports and less toward working out, so this time I did all the work myself.  I joined on Thursday and got my first work out in the same day.   It felt great to end the year with a workout.  I was so exhausted by midnight, but at least I had a clear head and was looking forward to the challenges and successes ahead in 2010.  I got my third training session in today.  I actually think I'm going to repeat the first week's schedule because I wasn't as pleased with my times and distances as I had hoped.  Not to mention my knees and chins hurt in a way I didn't think possible. 

My ex-husband was a distance runner and I could never relate to that.  I know I'm only 3 runs in, but I really like it.  I love the me time and the chance to listen to my tunes. I definately see the commitment it takes to run distances.  I have a whole new respect for marathon runners.

Hopefully I will find the same dedication to eating better real soon.  I'm still snacking and tonight I had pizza for dinner.  I'm still in the holiday mode, but not nearly as bad as the past couple of weeks. 

Yes, this is a rambling post, but just wanted to share my excitement with all 4 of my followers.  Yes, you read me correctly...that's 4 followers now.  Hi to Holly!

Weigh in for the challenge at work is Monday.  Game on!

Peace in 2010!